Payment Gateway Introduction

Welcome to PayG Payment Gateway.

The product suite allows you to accept payments,process payments, and disbursements.

PayG provides the facility to access all major payment modes, which includes credit and debit cards, UPI, netbanking, store cards and wallets(phonepe,paytm,gpay,etc).

Quick Integration in 3 steps

There are three easy steps to integrate PayG Payment Gateway.

1 Sign up for a PayG Account

2 Authorization

3 API Call

Sign up for a PayG Account

PayG offers a wide range of payment methods. Choose the ideal way of collecting payment from your clients.

Create a PayG Account 🔗

  • To start with, you must have a PayG account.
    To create an account: Click here
    You can create account via phone number or email.
    To learn more about our sign up process, refer to our sign up documentation.

  • Prerequisities for API Call

    • MID

    • Authentication key

    • Authentication token

    • ( Authentication key , Authentication token are available in Merchant Panel.)
      Login your merchant account , Go to Dashbaord > Settings

    • Uniquerequestid for every order/transaction

Authorization 🔗

Authorization header is based on base64 encode string which is using parameters like MID (MerchantId) , authentication key, authentication token.

Follow the steps to create base64encode string for authorization

  • Step 1 : To generate Base64 encode string Open base64encode

  • Step 2: Format for base64encode string to below format :
    Prepare string by replacing the actual value from dashboard


  • Step 3: Click on Encode and you will get the encoded string

  • Step 4
    Format for header in request is Authorization : basic+space+authentication with base64encode string Example:
    basic MzY2YjJhZjE2NjM3NDVhNWE1NTBkZjFlNzE4ZTlhZTU6YzE0ZTk2ZjMzYmM0NGE0M2I5OWZhNjc2ZGRlYjg5M2Q6TToyMjc5MA==

API Call -Steps for integration : 🔗

  • Create a order request object parameters

  • Send request object along with header to PayG end point to receive the response object

  • You will receive either response object / error object

  • Redirect user to PayG payment page

  • Payment processed by user on PayG page and redirect back to merchant site if redirect url is provided in request object

  • Check status on payment based on provided OrderKeyId via status api call (link) OR Configure Webhook/Callback on PayG dashboard

Steps for API Integration using Postman

Header Values

Content-Type : application/json

Authorization: basic YjYwYmU1NzQwMTg5NDY3OWIyNGQ0ZDgwZDljNGE1OWM6ODQ2MjhiNWRmYmU3NDdkYjk0MjFhMTFkZTg5MTYxM2E6TTo4Nzky
(Generated string in Step 2 in Authorization)

URL For Create Order :

Request Obejct in JSON Format

                            "ProductData": { 
                                "PaymentReason":"OnlineOrder for OrderNo- 1234",
                            "TransactionData": {
                            "OrderAmountData": {
                            "CustomerData": {
                                "CustomerNotes":"Mens clothing",
                                "BillingAddress":"44 bhagvan nagar",
                                "ShippingAddress":"44 bhagvan nagar",
                            "IntegrationData": {

Order Response in JSON format


Accept Payments Using Payment Gateway (Website or Ecommerce Store Required!)

Integrate your website or ecommerce store with the PayG Payment Gateway using our range of Checkout solutions.

Integration Type

Integration Methods

Web Integration

Standard Checkout Integration

Mobile Integration

- Android Standard Checkout Integration
- iOS Standard Checkout Integration
- Flutter SDK Integration
- Ionic SDK Integration
- React Native SDK Integration

Ecommerce Plugins

- WooCommerce Integration
- OpenCart Integration
- Wordpress
- PrestaShop Integration
- WHMCS Integration
- WooCommerce 8.4.0 Integration
- Magento Integration
- Drupal Integration

Server Integrations (Languages)

- PHP Integration
- NodeJS Integration
- Java Integration
- Python Integration
- .Net Integration

Accept Payments Using Other Modules 🔗

Want to start accepting payments using one of our other modules? Click on the links to view more details on each module.

Module Name



Create and send GST compliant invoices that your customers can pay online instantly. Get paid faster and improve your cash flow.

Payment Links

Share payment link via an email, SMS, messenger or chatbot and get paid immediately. Accepting payments from customers is now just a link away.

Payment Pages

Take your store online instantly with zero coding. Accept payments with automated payment receipts.


Offer your customers subscription plans with automated recurring transactions through a platform that is built for automation.