Step 1: Create New Order (REST API) 🔗

Use the below url to create an order in your (backend) server.


Production URL:


Authorization: basic authentication with base64encoded

PayGAuthentication –
  "Merchantkeyid": "7963",
  "UniqueRequestId":  "f3f5b5c13f",
  "UserDefinedData": {
    "UserDefined1":  ""
  "RequestDateTime":  "06232021",
  "RedirectUrl":  "",
  "TransactionData": {
    "AcceptedPaymentTypes":  "",
    "PaymentType":  "",
    "SurchargeType":  "",
    "SurchargeValue":  "",
    "RefTransactionId":  "",
    "IndustrySpecificationCode":  "",
    "PartialPaymentOption":  ""
  "OrderAmount":  "100",
  "OrderType":  "",
  "OrderAmountData": {
    "AmountTypeDesc":  "3",
    "Amount":  "2"
  "CustomerData": {
    "CustomerId":  "152433",
    "CustomerNotes":  "amway product",
    "FirstName":  "kanhaiya",
    "LastName":  "dhaked",
    "MobileNo":  "08619083450",
    "Email":  "",
    "EmailReceipt":  "true",
    "BillingAddress":  "44 bhawar nagar semal",
    "BillingCity":  "semla",
    "BillingState":  "Rajasthan",
    "BillingCountry":  "India",
    "BillingZipCode":  "30202020",
    "ShippingFirstName":  "yagyang",
    "ShippingLastName":  "dhaked",
    "ShippingAddress":  "44 bhawar nagar semal",
    "ShippingCity":  "semla",
    "ShippingState":  "Rajasthan",
    "ShippingCountry":  "India",
    "ShippingZipCode":  "30202020",
    "ShippingMobileNo":  "08619083450"
  "IntegrationData": {
    "UserName":  "ranjith",
    "Source":  "3213",
    "IntegrationType":  "11",
    "HashData": "",
    "PlatformId": "1"
 def orderCreate(self,post_data):
        #now =
        myfamily = {
            "UserDefinedData" : {
                "UserDefined1" : ""    
            "TransactionData" : {
                "AcceptedPaymentTypes" : "Linus",
                "PaymentType" : 2011,

        message = self.AuthenticationKey+":"+self.AuthenticationToken+":M:"+self.MerchantKeyId
        message_bytes = message.encode('ascii')
        base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(message_bytes)
        base64_message = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')
        url = self.paymentURL+"/create"      
        payload = json.JSONEncoder().encode(myfamily);
        headers = {
        'content-type': "application/json",
        'authorization': "Basic "+base64_message,
        'cache-control': "no-cache",
        'postman-token': "d755d76a-eee0-437a-48f6-cd08297493f8"

        response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
        pprint.pprint("yagyang start")
        pprint.pprint("yagyang end")
        return json.loads(response.text)


Step 2: Payment process url for checkout 🔗

This payment url is used to redirect to actual payment screen.

Developer can redirect either by using javascript or other programming language.

This is a javascript example like window.location="Payment process url"

Step 3: Order Details (API request Parameters) 🔗

Authorization: basic authentication with base64encoded
PayGAuthentication –

  "OrderKeyId": "210624M7963Ubd259588d4",
  "MerchantKeyId": "7963",
  "PaymentType": ''

def orderDetail(self,post_data):
        url = self.paymentURL+"/Detail"      
        message = self.AuthenticationKey+":"+self.AuthenticationToken+":M:"+self.MerchantKeyId
        message_bytes = message.encode('ascii')
        base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(message_bytes)
        base64_message = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')
        myfamily = {
        payload = json.JSONEncoder().encode(myfamily);
        headers = {
        'content-type':  "application/json",
        'authorization': "Basic "+base64_message,
        'cache-control': "no-cache",
        'postman-token': "d755d76a-eee0-437a-48f6-cd08297493f8"

        response = requests.request("POST", url, data=payload, headers=headers)
        pprint.pprint("yagyang start")
        pprint.pprint("yagyang end")
         return json.loads(response.text)


"OrderKeyId": "210624M7963Ubd259588d4",
"MerchantKeyId": 7963,
"UniqueRequestId": "bd259588d4",
"OrderType": "213",
"OrderAmount": 1.00,
"OrderId": null,
"OrderStatus": "0",
"OrderPaymentStatus": 0,
"OrderPaymentStatusText": null,
"PaymentStatus": 0,
"PaymentTransactionId": null,
"PaymentResponseCode": 0,
"PaymentApprovalCode": null,
"PaymentTransactionRefNo": null,
"PaymentResponseText": null,
"PaymentMethod": null,
"PaymentAccount": null,
"OrderNotes": null,
"PaymentDateTime": null,
"UpdatedDateTime": "6/24/2021 6:12:43 PM",
"PaymentProcessUrl": null,
"OrderPaymentCustomerData": null,
"UpiLink": null

Note: Please check the payment status codes from this URL Payment Response codes Note: Please check the error codes from this URL Error codes