Get Batch Settlement Master API ??

  • This api will be used to do reconciliation, reseller can fetch the details of all settled batches along with fee, UTR and net settlement amount details.

Required headers:

Header Name Header Value
basic PayGAuthentication
PayGAuthentication = base64encoded(AuthenticationKey:AuthenticationToken:R:ResellerId).

Parameers for Request Object : ??

FieldName Datatype Remarks Example Status
ResellerId Integer 70078 Compulsory
MerchantKeyId String B4430007FE85288 Compulsory
FromDate Datetime “2017-01-01” Compulsory
ToDate Datetime "2023-05-17" Compulsory

Parameter for response object : ??

Field DataType Example
Id Integer 70078
MerchantKeyId String B4430007FE85288
PaymentType String Wallet
BatchNumber Integer 3
TotalTransactionCount Integer 48
BatchNetAmount Decimal 13471.00
SaleTransacionCount Integer 48
BatchTime DateTime Apr 5 2023
NetSettlementAmount Decimal 70078
BatchFundApproalStatus String Not Approved
ResponseCode Integer 1
ResponseText String Success
 Authorization: basic YTVhZWNlNT4466tbfb47zM0MWVmNGE6ZTJkYTI2MTYxYjRiNDhmYzk1YjU5ZGFmMjE5MWZiMzM6TTo3Nzcx 
 Content-Type: application/json
                           "ResellerId" : 70001, 
                           "MerchantkeyId" : "BB91000A0D69869", 
                           "FromDate" : "2017-01-01", 
                           "ToDate" : "2023-05-17" 
                              "Id": 9680, 
                              "MerchantkeyId" :  "BB91000A0D69869", 
                              "PaymentType": "Wallet", 
                              "BatchNumber": 3, 
                              "TotalTransactionCount": 48, 
                              "BatchNetAmount": 13471.00, 
                              "SaleTransactionCount": 48, 
                              "BatchTime": "Apr 5 2023 12:58PM", 
                              "NetSettlementAmount": 13301.08, 
                              "BatchFundApprovalStatus": "Not Approved", 
                              "ResponseCode": 1, 
                              "ResponseText":  "Success" 
                              "Id": 9679, 
                              "MerchantkeyId": "BB91000A0D69869", 
                              "PaymentType": "CreditCard", 
                              "BatchNumber": 2, 
                              "TotalTransactionCount": 79, 
                              "BatchNetAmount": 5174.60, 
                              "SaleTransactionCount": 79, 
                              "BatchTime": "Apr 5 2023 12:58PM", 
                              "NetSettlementAmount": 4242.40, 
                              "BatchFundApprovalStatus": "Not Approved", 
                              "ResponseCode": 1, 
                              "ResponseText":  "Success" 
                              "Id": 9646, 
                              "MerchantkeyId":  "BB91000A0D69869", 
                              "PaymentType": "Wallet", 
                              "BatchNumber": 1, 
                              "TotalTransactionCount": 1, 
                              "BatchNetAmount": 7080.00, 
                              "SaleTransactionCount": 1, 
                              "BatchTime": "Jan 12 2023 3:31PM", 
                              "NetSettlementAmount": 7076.46, 
                              "BatchFundApprovalStatus": "Not Approved", 
                              "ResponseCode":1 , 
                              "ResponseText": "Success" 
Error Response { "ResponseCode": 0, "Code": "7016", "Message": null, "FieldName": "Reseller Id is Required", "DeveloperMessage": null, "MoreInfoUrl": null, "RequestUniqueId": null, "NPCIError": null, "ProcessorId": 0, "PaymentType": 0, "ProcessorErrorCode": null }

Get Batch Settlement Details API ??

  • This api will be used to do reconciliation, reseller can fetch the details of all settled or unsettled transaction along with UTR details for Payin.

Required headers:

Header Name Header Value
basic PayGAuthentication
PayGAuthentication = base64encoded(AuthenticationKey:AuthenticationToken:R:ResellerId).

Parameers for Request Object : ??

FieldName Datatype Remarks Example Status
ResellerId Integer 70001 Compulsory
MerchantKeyId String 0 Compulsory
BatchId Integer 0 Optional
FromDate Datetime “2023-11-20” Compulsory
ToDate Datetime "2023-11-25" Compulsory
Transaction Integer 0

Parameter for response object : ??

Field DataType Example
BatchId Integer 0
TransactionId Integer 758668
TransactionType String Charge
PaymentType String CreditCard
BuyAmount Decimal 0
OrderKeyId String 78923231122M10404UTEST50dc8946
UniqueRequestId String TEST50dc8946
BankReferenceNo String 531138
BankName String abcd
CardCountry String
SixDigitBin String 411111
CardType String
CardScheme String Invalid
MerchantKeyId String
ResponseCode Integer 1
ResponseText String Approved
ReconStatus Integer 1
TransactionAmount Decimal 110.00
NetSettlementAmount Decimal 110.00
FundingUTR String
Funding Status String No
vendorid String null

Details Sample

Authorization: basic YTVhZWNlNT4466tbfb47zM0MWVmNGE6ZTJkYTI2MTYxYjRiNDhmYzk1YjU5ZGFmMjE5MWZiMzM6TTo3Nzcx 
Content-Type: application/json

                        "BatchId": 0,
                        "TransactionId": 758668, 
                        "TransactionType": "Charge", 
                        "PaymentType": "CreditCard",
                        "OrderKeyId": "78923231122M10404UTEST50dc8946",                        
                        "UniqueRequestId": "TEST50dc8946", 
                        "BankReferenceNo": "531138", 
                        "BankName": "abcd", 
                        "CardCountry": "",
                        "SixDigitBin": "411111", 
                        "CardType": "", 
                        "CardScheme": "Invalid", 
                        "MerchantkeyId": "408000147774040",
                        "ResponseCode": 1, 
                        "ResponseText": "Approved", 
                        "ReconStatus": 1,
                        "TransactionAmount": 110.00,
                        "NetSettlementAmount": 110.00,                         
                        "FundingUTR": "", 
                        "FundingStatus": "No",
                        "vendorid" : null
                        "BatchId": 0,
                        "TransactionId": 758667, 
                        "TransactionType": "Charge", 
                        "PaymentType": "CreditCard", 
                        "OrderKeyId": "78921231122M10404UTEST50dc8946",
                        "UniqueRequestId": "TEST50dc8946", 
                        "BankReferenceNo": "898257", 
                        "BankName": "abcd", 
                        "CardCountry": "", 
                        "SixDigitBin": "411111", 
                        "CardType": "", 
                        "CardScheme": "Invalid", 
                        "MerchantkeyId": "408000147774040", 
                        "ResponseCode": 1, 
                        "ResponseText": "Approved", 
                        "ReconStatus": 1,
                        "TransactionAmount": 110.00,
                        "NetSettlementAmount": 110.00,   
                        "FundingUTR": "", 
                        "FundingStatus": "No",
                        "vendorid" : null 
Error Response { "ResponseCode": 0, "Code": "90020", "Message": null, "FieldName": "BatchId is Required", "DeveloperMessage": null, "MoreInfoUrl": null, "RequestUniqueId": null, "NPCIError": null, "ProcessorId": 0, "PaymentType": 0, "ProcessorErrorCode": null }

Required headers:

Header Name Header Value
basic PayGAuthentication
PayGAuthentication = base64encoded(AuthenticationKey:AuthenticationToken:R:ResellerId).

Parameers for Request Object : ??

FieldName Datatype Remarks Example Status
ResellerId Integer 70001 Compulsory
MerchantKeyId String F7E600079463648 Compulsory
FromDate Datetime “2023-11-20” Compulsory
ToDate Datetime "2023-11-25" Compulsory
TransactionId Long 0

Parameter for response object : ??

Field DataType Example
MID String F7E600079463648
CompanyName String javed
ResellerId Integer 70001
RequestUniqueId String aba127bf
TransactionId Integer 3827
PayOutDate String 2022-02-17T14:32:05.69
TransactionType String Debit
PaymentType String IMPS
AccountNumber String 123456789
IFSCCode String IBKL0000183
BeneficiaryName String Sai
Amount Decimal 34.00
TotalFeeAmount Decimal 1.18
TotalTransactionAmount Decimal 35.18
AccountBalance Decimal 19641.08
ResponseCode String 1
ResponseText String Approved
UTRNO String 204814032266
Status String Settled

Payout Details Sample

Authorization: basic YTVhZWNlNT4466tbfb47zM0MWVmNGE6ZTJkYTI2MTYxYjRiNDhmYzk1YjU5ZGFmMjE5MWZiMzM6TTo3Nzcx 
Content-Type: application/json
                        "MID": "F7E600079463648", 
                        "CompanyName": "javed", 
                        "ResellerId": 70001, 
                        "RequestUniqueId": "aba127bf -", 
                        "TransactionId": 3827, 
                        "PayOutDate": "2022-02-17T14:32:05.69", 
                        "TransactionType": "Debit", 
                        " PaymentType": " IMPS ", 
                        "AccountNumber": "123456789", 
                        "BeneficiaryName": "sai", 
                        "Amount": 34.00, 
                        "TotalFeeAmount": 1.18, 
                        "TotalTransactionAmount": 35.18, 
                        "AccountBalance": 19641.08, 
                        "ResponseCode": 1, 
                        "ResponseText": "Approved", 
                        "UTRNO": "204814032266", 
                        "Status": "Settled" 