1. Installation 🔗

Download the Plugin SDK zip.

Unzip the SDK file and place it (Custom Folder) into 'app/code' of the project directory.

Run 'bin/magento setup:upgrade' from the terminal.

2. Configuration 🔗

Login into your Magento Project as administrator.

Navigate to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Payment Methods -> Payg Payment.

Enable the PayG Plugin by selecting 'Yes' from the dropdown.

Magento Config

Provide the Payment Url : 'https://paygapi.payg.in/payment/api/order'.

Provide the Authentication Key, Authentication Token & MID Provided by PayG.

Click 'Save Config' button.

To configure Webhook URL : Add Below URL by logging in Your PayG Dashboard
Go to Setting -> Webhook Url -> Click on Edit.
Order PostBack Url: 'https://www.yourdomain.com/rest/V1/payg-webhook'

Magento Webhook